Payroll Administration
Fincor Professional Accountants has extensive expertise and knowledge to offer comprehensive solutions to the management of payroll requirements of companies in need of outsourcing their payroll services.
Pastel’s Payroll software is used for these services and well supported by Pastel.
The list of payroll services include:
- Generation of confidential payslips including personal information such as Employee Name, ID Number, Job Title, SARS Tax Number
- Reconciliation of IRP5 documents twice per year per employee
- Monthly submission of EMP201 documents (covering PAYE, UIF and SDL deductions)
Other services catered for and related to Employment Relations:
- PAYE (Employee’s Tax) Registration
- UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund) Registration
- SDL (Skills Development Levy) Registration
- WCA (Workman’s Compensation Aid) Registration
- Employment Equity Reports (EEA2 & EEA4)
- Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR)